when i get a comment on my blog i'm not able to reply via email and it drives me completely crazy! i just came across a post about changing the setting in your profile to enable blog authors to reply back to comments thru email!
i found the heads up about the post on
tip junkie . . . and the genius post is at
good & crazy people.
this is the post from good & crazy people:
For me?
Would you mind? It's easy I promise.
Will you edit your blogger profile to SHOW your email address?
I really want to reply to YOU. I have no idea who No-Reply is? I'm sure she's nice and all. But I just replied to 15 comment emails and AFTERWARDS realized half of them were to Ms. Fancy Pants No-Reply. Crap.
How to add your email to your blogger profile. (A tute)
Why? I love to reply directly to YOU when you comment! And it’s goofy to put a response to my blog in your blog comments!
{Don’t worry. I promise I’ll be the first one to comment on your lovely post!}
Step One: Open your profile page, click EDIT Profile on left side of profile.
(If you need help finding your profile page let me know).
Step two: make sure the box marked show my profile and show my email address are checked.
Step Three: Under Identity, add the email address you want comment replies to be sent.
Optional, change your display name to match your blog somehow?
Or leave as your fist name? (I use GoodNCrazy so people can relate it back to my blog).
Step Four: scroll to bottom and click save!
You did it. Now come back and comment, so I can reply to you in real email form!!