Thursday, August 20, 2009

we used 'em up . . .

last night when i was laying in bed with little miss . . . i told her i couldn't believe she was getting ready to start kindergarten in the morning. i asked her where the past 6 years went . . . because it just didn't seem possible that she was old enough to be a big school girl! she informed me that "we used 'em all up!"

she was all smiles this morning and eager to get ready for her first day of big school! i was smiles too . . . with only a few watery eye moments. it wasn't until we turned the corner onto the street of her new school that i pretty much lost all control of the tears! of course they are happy tears . . . maybe mixed with a few sad tears because little miss isn't so little anymore.

sean and i walked her into her class and she was still all smiles . . . definitely nervous but still excited. when the teacher announced that it was time for the moms and dads to exit stage left . . . she broke down. she didn't want to let go . . . i didn't want to let go. but we did . . . her teacher came and gave her the little extra attention that she needed and off sean and i were off to the cafeteria to mingle with the other parents over a little fruit, coffee, and donuts. and of course . . . the tears were still there but we are so excited for her and the opportunity she has at her new school for fun times and new friends . . . and becoming bilingual!

happy first day of kindergarten little miss!

laissez les bons temps rouler!
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