Thursday, January 3, 2008

recommendations please . . .

i guess santa reads my blog . . . because he left a note in my stocking letting me know that i get to pick out a new dryer (and a washer if we can find a great deal)! my poor dryer is on it's last leg . . . it is taking me 3 dry cycles before my clothes are dry. and with 3 little ones . . . i'm guessing you get the picture. the laundry piles don't get any smaller . . . they keep growing and growing and growing!

so anywho . . . if you have a great washer and dryer set that you love, please leave me a comment or send me an email to let me know what you have. and you if have the lg set that has the steam settings . . . please don't tell me because they are way out of our budget . . . and i would just be super jealous!

1 comment:

Emily Anne Leyland said...

Sorry- no dryer help, but thanks for your comment on my blog. It is fun to know another Emily Anne :)I looked at tuttifrutti and it is so cute! We are so similar, 3 kids, so creative. Fun.
Your girls are soooo cute. Are you LDS by any chance? The name of your blog is a familiar song to me, just wondering. Take care